4 Ways To Execute...

In one of my coaching groups (yes, even a coach needs a coach) we were going over a concept called the 4 disciplines of execution. 

It's a simple way to look at your business and make sure you're actually "moving the needle" and getting stuff done. 

But of course, I found a relation to fitness right away. 

I think it's a pretty cool system if you implement it so give it a read.

The first discipline is the WIG




What's the ONE THING that you are after? 

What's the target that you're moving towards?

Pick one thing, and that's what everything else revolves around. 

Pick your WIG.

The second discipline is track lead measures. 

Lead measures are things that predict if the WIG is going to happen. 

For example...

A lead measure could be journaling your food.

A lead measure could be getting in 10 workouts this month.

A lead measure could be getting 7 hours of sleep 90% of the month. 

It's things that you track and measure that predict whether or not the WIG will be accomplished. 

You know if you do those lead measures, there's a high chance the WIG will be achieved. 

Pick 3 lead measures. 

The third discipline is to have a cadence of accountability.

So you know your WIG and you know your 3 lead measures. 

Know you have to stay accountable to them. 

How are you going to do that?

Are you going to check in with a coach?

Are you going to go after it with a buddy?

We all need accountability. 

I have 4 coaches, one for each area of my life (business, leadership, finances, and personal development), that hold me accountable. 

What's your cadence for holding yourself accountable to that WIG and those 3 lead measures? 

Finally, the fourth discipline of execution is keeping a scorecard. 

At the Superbowl, there will be a winner and a loser. 

Because they keep score they know that. 

Quite often (I'm super guilty of this) we never think it's good enough because we don't set a scorecard of what a win is. 

20lbs becomes 30lbs.

If you don't keep a scorecard and celebrate all the wins, you'll never be happy with where you're at. 

So, for this WIG, what would be a win. 

Is it that you hit 10 workouts?

Great, if you hit 9, move on to next month, if you hit 10, celebrate that win!

Whatever it is, have a scorecard so you can celebrate the wins. 

I love the simplicity of this system. 

Execute these 4 disciplines and the needle will move. 

Literally and figuratively. :)

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling