The release of the red and green Starbucks holiday cups can signal only one thing..ready or not, the holidays are coming! And so begins the whirlwind of activities, commitments and an overwhelming array of tempting but not always the best for you foods. Bacon-wrapped dates no longer count as a serving of fruit!
Obviously staying focused is the key to making it through to January in the same size jeans. But how do you do that? With a little forethought, planning and a smidge of discipline, you can survive and enjoy yourself too. After all, these times only come around once a year.
With that said, I've got four easy tips to help you stay on track.
The 80/20 Rule.
The 80/20 rule states that 80% of the time, you should eat well and according to sound nutritional guidelines, while the other 20% of the time, you can veer off the nutritious path. So for four days, make good choices, eat really well, and at that party on the 5th day, let yourself indulge a bit.
Drink Water.
Water helps maintain energy levels, facilitates digestion, and controls hunger. Sometimes you think you're hungry and in reality, you're in need of hydration. Of course, the biggest plus of water is that it has no calories. With increased calories coming from our meals and snacks this time of year, make a choice to skip the sugar-laden drink and grab a water instead. Aim for 8-10 glasses per day, and cut out the other calorie-containing beverages (sweetened coffee/tea, soda, juice, energy drinks, etc.). If you're saying "but I don't LIKE water", think about adding a lemon or lime, a bit of basil & a slice of cucumber. Experiment a may find just changing the taste a little has you easily chugging down those recommended 8 glasses
Reduce Stress by Planning Your Day.
Planning ahead can dramatically reduce stress and mental fatigue. Take 15 minutes each night and plan the next day. Start by writing everything down that you’d like to get done. Then rank your list in order of importance and give yourself permission to cut (do the cookies made for your kids' class really have to be wrapped in two types of tissue with coordinated ribbon?).
Once you have your list, map out when you will complete everything. Add it to your calendar, on your phone or in paper. On days you plan to work out, include that as well as travel times to/from everywhere you need to be. This allows you to see if what you have planned is actually do-able. Taking the time to make the plan allows you to really see how you're spending your time and gives you the opportunity to adjust such that you make time for yourself as well as take care of what needs to get done. Developing the habit of doing this each evening allows you to get things off your mind before bed. You may discover you're sleeping better and are able to start each day with a clear plan of action.
Stay Moving!
Winter can be the hardest time to stay in shape! Just because the sun sets before you leave work and the weather is less than pleasant doesn’t mean your body gets to take a vacation from moving. In addition, those extra calories and the general stress created by all of the additional commitments will creep up and create a dire situation if you don't keep moving!
Try to do something active everyday. Go back to the third tip and make sure it's scheduled. It could a gym workout, a walk at lunch, or a 20 minute bodyweight workout at home after putting the kids to bed.
Despite our great advice, do you still feel overwhelmed? Would you like some help?
Don't worry, you're not alone. Regardless of your circumstances, this time of year can take its' toll.
If you're looking to both enjoy and "survive" the holidays, possibly even lose some inches, get stronger, and feel more energetic going into 2016, fill out the form below to apply for our Holiday Survival Program.
We are here to guide you through the holidays.
With our program, you'll receive personal coaching at every workout, nutrition guidance, and all the motivation and accountability to get you the results you want.
Hurry though, because we work with each client on such a personal level, space is limited. Fill out the form below now, and we'll reach out to you to get the ball rolling.