12 Way To Improve Your Nutrition

Tackling nutrition right now is a double-edged sword and I get it.

On one hand, you just don’t have the mental bandwidth to focus on one more thing right now.

On the other hand, you may have put on a few extra pounds over these last six months and you know your nutrition needs to change.

Luckily for you, I think there’s a happy medium.

You see, when we tackle nutrition here at Spurling we try really hard to not make it this big daunting thing, there are no meal plans to follow, no super restrictive diets, etc.

We take the habit-based approach to nutrition coaching which means that we work on changing a habit or behavior for a period of time and then stack that onto another habit as you progress along.

What that means for you is it’s less overwhelming, but the results are just as good, if not better because they actually last.

When it comes to changing your nutrition habits there are 12 habits that we aim to work on.

Again, not all at once, but there are 12 on the “menu” and over time you make improvements in all of those areas.

Here are we call the Spurling 12 habits of nutrition…

  1. Planning: Plan your meals for the week

  2. Shopping: Go shopping for your food

  3. Cooking: Cook your meals

  4. Journaling: Keep a daily journal of food and drink intake

  5. Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal

  6. Slow Eating: Eat slowly

  7. 80% Full: Stop eating when you’re 80% full

  8. Portion Control: Practice proper portions

  9. Protein: Make sure you’re getting enough protein

  10. Calories: Review food journal to look at total calories

  11. Quality Carbs: Check the quality of your carbs

  12. Healthy Fats: Make sure you’re getting most of your fats from appropriate sources

Instead of cramming a meal plan down your throat, and telling you to eat certain things at certain times, we're going to try to change your behaviors. 

You see, following a "diet" is not sustainable. 

It may work for a week or two, but can you really follow it as a lifestyle?

Nutrition is more of behavioral psychology. 

Today, most people know what healthy is, and maybe you need some ideas and recipes here are there, but for the most part, we know what "healthy" means. 

So instead, we work on coaching you through habits. 

We know what healthy is, but why do we sometimes go after the unhealthy stuff?


We approach habits in a stacking format. 

Kind of like building a wall...one brick at a time. 

Pick one nutrition habit, focus on that 100%, and crush it. 

Then, generally after 2-4 weeks, we "stack" another habit on it. 

That way, we change the behavior over time, and you can sustain things as a lifestyle. 

Either way, even at it’s simplest I know it can feel overwhelming right now.

That’s why we put together an 8-Week Nutrition Coaching Program to help you tackle something that is so important right now but may feel overwhelming.

Coach Trent has been running our nutrition coaching program for the last couple of years and as you’ll see on the information page there are crazy success stories of not only physical transformation but really changing mindset and belief around nutrition.

The program includes weekly small group meetings (either in person or online) to educate, hold you accountable, and create an action plan for the week, daily support from Coach Trent, and results or money back guarantee.

Read all about and register for the program here —>>> 8-Week Nutrition Coaching Program 

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling.

PS: When I checked in with Trent yesterday he had just 5 of the 12 spots left so if you want to tackle nutrition right now I’d encourage you to inquire today.

Read all about and register for the program here —>>> 8-Week Nutrition Coaching Program