100 Day Sprint

It’s been a wild ride this year, huh?

Summer has been really hot, it’s been nice, and you may have enjoyed a bit too much of the beers and barbecues.

Well, not too much, but maybe you know it’s time to buckle things down.

I often talk about “sprinting.”

We can’t sprint all year round, but we can sprint a handful of times a year.

A sprint is a focused duration, with a clear start and a clear deadline.

In a 100 day sprint, we focus on 1-3 things for 100 days, and then take it easy for a few. 

If you’re up for it, I’d invite you to join me in a 100 Day Sprint starting the day after Labor Day.

That will take you right up until the holidays.

You see, none of us can "sprint" all of the time. 

You can't say no to everything, be super consistent all of the time, and crushing goals left and right?



Life gets in the way, and you'll most likely burn out. 

So instead, schedule 2-3 100 day sprints where you're super dialed in, and you're working towards specific goals. 

Typically, one works really well coming up now, in the fall, and another one in the New Year after the holiday reset.

You'll be amazed at how much you'll achieve during those days. 

During the other breaks, you're not not working out or eating like crap, you're just more in a "maintenance" or "cruise-control" mentality. 

You say yes to dessert a few times, or yes to drinks with friends more. 

And that's ok. 

You can't always have the pedal to the floor. 

So my action item for you...

Map out what you want to do in the 100 days, pick your start date, and do then calculation of when your 100 days is.

Then be ready to sprint!

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling