Do you ever get sucked into those Facebook quizzes? You know the ones I mean. Find out your perfect road trip buddy, your ideal place to live, what your favorite color says about you. You take them and lo & behold, the answer is exactly what you knew it would be.
Let's try one now:
What's healthier: broccoli or ice cream?
What's healthier: exercising or smoking?
What's healthier: water or alcohol?
What's healthier: sleeping 8 hours or surviving off energy drinks?
What's healthier: happiness or stress?
How'd you do?
Did you score 100%?
You see, my point is, you KNOW what to do when it comes time to exercise and nutrition.
You know that vegetables are better than ice cream. You know that you should drink water. You know you should sleep 8 hours. You KNOW you should exercise.
Let me tell you a secret: Information is not your problem.
You don't need more information. You don't need to read any more magazines or watch any more health segments on daytime TV.
You need to take action.
In my opinion, the number one problem for people looking to make a change in their life is lack of action.
They wait for the perfect moment to execute. They make a grandiose plan and then wait until the next week, the next meal, the next eclipse, whatever. They think of every reason in the world why they can't start right this minute...there's a business trip coming up, it's your child's birthday, your "good" workout gear is in the laundry.
I call this "Analysis Paralysis" - the state of over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so much so, that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome.
Stop waiting for the right moment. Trust me, there will never be that one right moment. It's time to make do with the moment you're in.
It's a cliche but the biggest journeys in the world start with a single step.
Take the freaking step!
I know it's easier said than done. I get it. I've been there.
But I'm telling you, you don't need to read any more, you don't need to wait until Monday, just take some action.
Are you looking to start losing some weight?
Take an action step.
Drink more water.
Eat more protein.
Eat more vegetables.
Do something that makes you sweat everyday, or at least just take the stairs.
Make a point to sleep 8 hours a night.
That's it.
I'm not sorry for the tough love. You need it. I need it. We all need it.
But way too often we're holding back from doing something because we think we need to learn more about it, we need to wait for the perfect moment, and it will all be better next week.
Well I'm here to tell you it won't be better next week. You'll just be one step back from where you are this week.
So take action TODAY!
Now, I'm not saying press the gas pedal to the floor and go 0-60.
The actions don't need to be drastic. In fact if you go out too hard, you're likely setting yourself up for failure or worse, an injury that'll impede your progress even more.
If you're not exercising, start doing something 2x per week.
If you're not eating well, start by making one change, maybe adding more protein to keep you full, or add more water to keep you hydrated. Don't think about "removing stuff", think about adding more good stuff: water, protein, vegetables, etc.
So now that you've read this, what are you going to do?
Next week, when you read my next blog post, what are you going to do?
Information without action is worthless.
Take Action!
Til next week,
Doug Spurling
I know you don't need more information, but you know what we all need? Accountability, motivation, and support. I know it's tough, and you shouldn't do it on your own. Sit down with one our Spurling coaches for a FREE 60 Minute Success Session to go over all your goals, and we'll devise a plan to help you achieve them. Then, we'll be by your side at every workout telling you exactly what to do, how to do it, and making sure you're achieving the goals you set for yourself. The best action you can do today is clicking here. It might just change your life.