"I want to lose 50 pounds."
"I want to drop 10 pant sizes."
"I'm going to completely overhaul my nutrition."
Those are all common goals that our coaches hear on a daily basis.
And let me first start by saying, there's nothing wrong with those goals.
The problem?
They're too far away.
Let me explain what I mean. It's been demonstrated that your mind can really only process things in 90 day chunks. We call this a 90 day game plan.
So how do we deal with this? In order to get results, document your goals, and then break them into 90 day increments. Create your 90 day game plan.
You've heard the old saying? "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
Much of the key to your success is mental. If you take an approach of breaking your goals down into 90 day segments (bites), you'll set yourself up for success.
When you set a goal for yourself of dropping 50 pounds or losing 10 pant sizes, it's so big that you can't visualize it or how you're going to accomplish it. It's possible, it's doable, but you can't see it. Think back to that elephant. If you're standing by his front foot, you can't see all the way to his tail! You know it's there but you don't know how you're going to get to it.
That's where the 90 day plan comes in.
Since your mind can think in 90 day chunks, it keeps things within reach, and keeps you motivated.
Let's work through an example...say that goal of losing 50 lbs.
That's a great goal, but realistically, a goal like this is going to take 12 months of work to accomplish. So rather than get frustrated after the first month, let's break it down into those 90 day chunks.
That's roughly 12.5 pounds lost every 90 days. That doesn't sound too bad.
So now when you tell yourself you just have to lose 12.5 lbs in the next 90 days, you can come up with a plan to accomplish this as it's much more manageable. And you know if you lose 12.5 lbs every 90 days, you'll be right on track for your 12 month goal of 50 pounds in total.
The other cool thing about a 90 day game plan, is that it is easily dividable to monthly, weekly, and daily goals.
Continuing this example....
12.5 lbs every 90 days is just about 4 lbs a month. Seems easy, right?
That's only a 1 lb a week!
So now, your crazy big goal that seems so far out there, is really just losing one pound a week.
See how easy that is?
The cool thing about the 90 day game plan is you can use this approach for any goal, not just fitness and nutrition.
Another example...
You want to have $500,000 in the bank by the time you retire. You're 30 years away from retiring.
That may seem overwhelming for some. It may seem too far away. It may seem too hard.
So what typically happens?
You take a "screw it, it's too hard, it's not worth it" approach.
However, break that down into a 90 day game plan.
If you have 30 years, that's only $16,667 a year.
Still seem too hard?
Using the 90 day game plan, that's only $4,166 every 90 days.
Not so bad, right?
And again, 90 days are can be broken down into monthly, weekly, and daily goals.
That's just $1388 per month.
Or how about this...just $46 per day.
And guess what?
That's doesn't even include interest! So that $500,000 could easily become a MILLION BUCKS!
See how great this 90 day game plan process can be?
Achieving goals is mostly a mental thing.
Sure, there's some type of physical component to it. You have to put in the work, make some sacrifices, change some behaviors.
But if you look at why so many people don't achieve their goals, it's because they can't see the end in sight, the tail on the elephant.
They get frustrated, they can't visualize it, and eventually just give up.
Breaking it up into 90 day chunks, if not for anything else, makes it easier on your mind.
Challenges seem much more manageable.
You don't feel like you bit off more than you can chew.
You can stack wins, and feel like you're always accomplishing things.
So here's your action list.
1. Take some time to think about what your big goal is.
2. Do some quick math, and find our what that goals breaks down to for your 90 day game plan.
3. If it helps, take that 90 day goal, and know what you have to do monthly, weekly, and daily.
4. Write it down, and put it somewhere where you will see it everyday.
^ If you learn one thing from this post, that was it. Break your goals into manageable chunks and WRITE them down.
It's amazing what happens when you write something down. IT WILL HAPPEN.
So you have this 90 day goal.
Let us help you turn it into a 90 day GAME PLAN.
We exist for one reason; to change lives.
And we want to change YOUR life.
We'll meet with you, learn more about what your goals are, and work with you to create a 90 day game plan that is set up to help you succeed! We'll outline everything you need to do to crush that goal; workouts, nutriton, lifestyle changes, EVERYTHING.
Our system is a "done for you" model.
If you're need more motivation and accountability, plus want to start looking better and feeling better, fill out the form below and we'll get you started on YOUR life changing 90 day game plan.
Join our community, and get ready to CHANGE YOUR LIFE.