If You Can Master This You'll Be Ahead of 99% of People in Life...

A couple days ago in one of my coaching groups, a peer of mine posted the photo below. 

I decided to share it in Spurling 165, our private members-only Facebook Group. 

It struck hard with a lot of people (right, Kathleen?). Myself included.


Go ahead and read that again. 

How true is that?

It's not that you don't have time for something, you just choose something else has higher priority right now. 

And that's ok...

Trent talks a lot about now that Scarlett is around and growing, his workouts went from 4-5 times a week, down to 1-3x per week. Again, that's ok...

It's not that he doesn't have time to workout, it's just that right now his daughter has a higher priority. 

You have time to go on Facebook. 

You have time to watch your favorite TV Show. 

You have time to go shopping.  

Why? Because you made that a priority over something else.

Next time you think about skipping the gym, or waiting to join the right one, keep yourself honest. 

Is it really because you don't have time? Probably not...

You just had other things in that hour, day, month, year, LIFE, that were a higher priority...

"I'm not going to exercise and eat well because it's not a priority to me."

I don't know about you, but that doesn't sit well with me. 

You'll always be busy. There's always something else to do, someone else to take care of. 

Put your own mask on first. Take care of yourself. Only YOU can decide what's priority. 

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling