Be A Weed...

If you’re like me, you spent some time these last couple weeks trying to kill and dig up those pesky weeds.

They seem to grow through anything.

Oh, wait, I smell a lesson.

Be a weed.

In business, in fitness, in life.

Hear me out. 

A weed never stops growing. 

It doesn't matter if it's cold, wet, dry, hot, snowing, raining, or a tornado, a weed still grows. 

The weed still grows, no matter what's in the way. 

Be a weed. 

A flower may look pretty on the outside, but it's delicate. 

Without water, it dies. 

Some bad weather and it dies. 

It's soft. 

The weed, on the other hand, doesn't let what's in its way stop it.

It continues to grow.

The journey to a better you isn't easy.

The journey to a better business isn’t easy.

There will be distractions. 

There will be things that get in the way. 

There will be people and things that try to stop you. 

Just be a weed. 

Keep growing.

Keep getting 1% better.

Push those things aside and keep pursuing your dream. 

Don't let anything get in the way of following your passion. 

Remember, anything worth doing is worth doing well. 

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling