
I was chatting with one of my private coaching clients a few weeks back and she dropped a line that was something along the lines of…

“Everything is just muck. I’m just trying to get through the muck.”

Arguably, she’s probably too hard on herself, who isn’t, she actually has a pretty strong operation.

Anyway, this past week I thought of that line as I was trudging through some “muck” of my own…

It’s hard to complain, because what really is “muck” is about 1% of life, but that’s what we tend to focus on, right?

I never really have a desire to “go away” or go on “vacation.”

I’m pretty fortunate that I don’t really separate work and life.

To me, it’s just one thing, I have my purpose, my values, and I’m just trying to make an impact, we just use the business to do that.

There are pros and cons to living life that way, and there is never true separation.

I never track my hours, I don’t watch the clock, and am arguably terrible at trying to separate the two.

But I digress….

I was looking forward to going away (Quebec City) for a week with Megan and Kaden.

It was a trip we had canceled last year as my dad passed away the night before we were supposed to leave.

The trip itself was okay, a beautiful city, very cool history, cool architecture, etc.

But I just kept bringing the saying back…

“I feel like I’m just walking through the muck.”

Nothing was easy.

We had some stuff going on at the gym, nothing crazy, projects, couple client issues, etc that just were not going as planned, thus I was devoting a lot of mental time to those…

We had our off-site quarterly team meeting the day before I left, so I had all of those conversations and thoughts in my head…

Mel sent out a quarterly survey and I choose to read them (people get really honest behind a keyboard, which is cool) while in Quebec.

On the personal side, the Quebec hills didn’t treat Megan too well.

Apparently going to a city built upon a fort (super cool) while almost 8 months pregnant is not a good idea.

She was in back pain the entire time.

Kaden was a typical two-year-old.

Tantrums, not eating, off his routine.

A parking ticket.

A GI bug for both us to put things over the edge.

You get it.

I feel like I’m using this to vent, but whatever.

Just muck.

Nothing bad, nothing life-altering, overall it was actually not a bad week at all, I just felt like my feet were in the muck.

So, my lesson to you?

Sometimes you feel like you’re just walking through the muck.

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about progress in fitness, how work is feeling, family, life, etc.

Do you know the best way to get out of the muck?

Keep walking.

Standing in it isn’t going to do anything.

Keep walking, keep giving it your best, keep moving forward.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling